PULP – English version.
PULP – English version.

PULP – English version.

The Vape with a capital P, like Pleasure.


PULP is one of the largest juice manufacturers in France. That’s good, it’s also one of our favorites at Le Vapelier because the brand was the first to trust us to appraise their e-liquids. Thank you buddies !

It is the famous David “Nukevapes” Hanin, Director of Communication, who answers our questions on the future of the brand, its news and a certain way of working in family and in the fun while obtaining results which are , them, more than serious! A real, concrete and sincere moment but also, as always at PULP, a moment of pleasure.

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A propos de l'auteur

59 ans, 32 ans de clopes, 12 ans de vape et plus heureux que jamais ! J'habite en Gironde, j'ai quatre enfants dont je suis gaga et j'aime le poulet rôti, le Pessac-Léognan, les bons e-liquides et je suis un geek de la vape qui s'assume !